It Is A Little Complicated Method Which Will Take Some Time For A Secure Connection:
a. Connect to Wifi using PIN:
If your device does not have a WPS button, you can use the PIN method by holding the i button until all the control panel buttons start to light up.
b. Connect HP Envy 6055 to wifi using HP software
To use this method, you need to download the HP printer software.
b. Connecting to Mac using WPS:
Turn on your printer by pressing the power button.
- After that, it will ask for the SSID and password to complete the printer setup.
- Go to the Apple menu and select a software update. Then, choose system preferences in the menu and select Print and Scan.
- Search for the plus button and tap on it. Now, from the menu, add Printer and Scanner. You will see a list; select your wireless printer from there and click on add.